Hope Rising Haiti invites you to come experience God’s work in Haiti with two different mission trip opportunities!
Have you ever considered going on a trip? Below are three reasons to consider going on a trip with Hope Rising Haiti.
Three Reasons to Go on a Hope Rising Haiti Mission Trip:
1. Personal Growth – As you see and serve in a different country, you will meet people, learn a different culture, and see God at work thousands of miles from where you live. After a trip, people are filled with hope, gratitude, and thanksgiving at who God is and what He is doing. Short term mission trips are often a sanctifying tool from the Lord to help us grow and mature in Christ.

2. Take the Gospel to the nations – God is filling the earth with the knowledge of Him. Be a part of taking the Gospel to the nation of Haiti. Through conversations, Vacation Bible Schools, and Bible Studies, you will get to share the hope of Jesus.

3. Be the hands and feet of Christ – Each trip provides opportunities to serve the people of Haiti in practical ways bringing hope to the hopeless. Roll up your sleeves to build church benches, paint houses, and love on orphans.

Upcoming Trips
January 16-22, 2018
Project: This trip is dedicated to building church benches to fill the newly constructed churches in LaSeve and Colora. Come meet the locals and help fill their church with seats for the community so they have a place to sit and hear God’s word taught, as they worship together.
Cost: $2,500
Application Deadline: December 1st
February 15-19, 2018
Project: This brief mission trip is perfect for an introductory trip or for those wishing to visit and encourage their Haitian friends from a previous trip. The team will be staying at the orphanage in Fedja hanging out with children, leading activities for them, and delivering food and tarps to homes – and serving spontaneously as God leads.
Cost: $2,000
Application Deadline: December 15th
Thanks for your generous support of what God is doing in Haiti through Hope Rising!
To donate for the first time or increase your support visit HopeRisingHaiti.org/donate or click below.