We are humbled to play a small part in what God is doing in LaSave, Haiti. Pastor Jean Cleogene, his family, and the faithful believers in the church in LaSeve have a new church building! The $42,000 LaSeve church construction project has been fully funded thanks to the generosity of our Hope Rising Haiti friends and supporters; and we are grateful to report that the church construction is now complete! Thank you for contributing to the gospel work being accomplished in LaSeve.

A dedication and church bench building trip is scheduled for January, 2018. They have a new building, but now they new a place to sit and hear the Bible taught and worship together. Building church benches is a simple but vital part of helping this new building reach as many people as possible with the Gospel and providing a place for the congregation and community to learn, worship, fellowship. Contact Blake if you are interested in joining us for the January 2018 dedication and church bench building trip.

Thanks for your generous support of what God is doing in Haiti through Hope Rising!
To donate for the first time or increase your support visit HopeRisingHaiti.org/donate or click below.