On January 17, 2018, our team of five were able to take part in the dedication and ribbon cutting service for the new church building in LaSave. Seeing the joy of the people in worship was powerful and a great reminder of God’s great love for His Church. I shared from Joshua chapters three and four, about how God provided for His people by stopping the flow of water in the Jordan River for the nation of Israel to cross. As the Israelites took stones and made a memorial to remember what God had done – I encouraged the people of LaSave to view the new church building in LaSeve, as God’s reminder of His love and provision for them.
We ended by looking at Joshua 4:24 that says, “He (God) did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.”

LaSeve’s Pastor Jean Cleogene expressed his gratitude and the appreciation from all the people in their church. We also had the privleged of being a part of commissioning 2 new leaders and ordaining 2 new pastors. It was very meaningful and encouraging to see Pastor Cleogene and the ministry of GVCM disciple and raise up new pastors and leaders.

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