At Hope Rising Haiti one of our passions is helping to create safe, beautiful structures for Haitian churches. We consider it a privilege to be able to partner with the church in Colora to build a new building. This body of believers has met for years in a very humble building. These brothers and sisters have a deep love for Jesus Christ and a desire to share the love with others in their communities. Please join us in praying for Pastor Remy Raphael and the church in Colora.

THe Church in Colora Construction Progress

The Colora Church Construction has been halted due to lack of funding.
Unfortunately right now the $47,000 Colora church construction project is $32,000 short. Construction has stopped, as we trust the Lord to the raise the remaining funds to complete this project. Thanks to the generosity of our Hope Rising Haiti friends and supporters who have raised the initial $15,000 for this project. Please consider giving to continue construction on this very much needed project.

Pastor Remy Raphael of the Church in Colora.

Pastor Remy praying over the church construction site.
Please Pray for Our Friends in the Caribbean
Hurricane Irma passed through the northern Caribbean last week. Haiti sustained heavy rains and winds and some flooding, but escaped severe damage. However, many other places experienced terrible damage and need our prayers.