Love has changed the lives of Charleston Dumas and Ociane DuMornay. At a golden age, the two have found love.

Charleston and his older brother were like many other Haitian men; practicing voodoo knowing nothing of the love of Jesus Christ. The two maintained key roles in the voodoo community near the town of Mirebalais. There, the enemy of God had tried its best to destroy the plan of God. But Charleston eventually found God and he loves the Lord. He is a testament to the power of the love that God has for each of us.
Charleston had been married once before but had never been blessed with children. As a widower, he lived alone in a home made of sticks and palm leaves. His loneliness soon ended when he met Ociane DuMornay.
Ociane is a widow and a mother of five children, one of whom has passed away. She too, was living alone in a very unsafe structure. When she met Charleston, something very special began and the two fell in love.
They have been together as a couple for many years and the two were finally joined together in Holy Matrimony last week. Our ministry partner, GVCM, encouraged them to make a covenant before God as husband and wife before they moved into their new home together. They understood the importance of this step as part of following God and we are thrilled for them.

The bride arrived in style to a very welcoming audience.
In the ceremony, Pastor Jethro served as the Best Man and Sister Rosemary was the Maid of Honor.

And as if that were not exciting enough, there is even more great news. Ociane decided to be baptized as her continued commitment to the Lord. Baptism is an outward and public expression of faith in Jesus. It’s the opportunity to let everyone know you want to follow Christ as Lord. Much like a wedding is a public expression of letting the world know that you love and want to spend your life with someone, baptism shows your love for the Lord. How beautiful to see these two events take place in Ociane’s life. God is good!