Thomassique Christian School is our largest partner school in Haiti with over 1,000 elementary through high school students. They are in critical need of water. Please help us raise $12,000 to drill a water well at the school and church.
Over 20 years ago, I first visited Thomassique to be a part of a pastoral training, and we have been trying to help in the Thomassique area ever since. We love the leadership of this school and church and have great faith and trust in them. We admire their courage and sacrifice to educate children and young people and teach them about Jesus Christ.
With such a full campus of students and teachers throughout the week, and a large church gathering each weekend – a reliable water source is a vital need. This is also a main destination for many American teams to stay overnight when traveling on a missions trip.

The water well that was drilled many years ago in Thomassique has been on it’s last leg for the past few years, and has finally stopped working. It has already been repaired multiple times over the years. But, in recent months the well has clogged and collapsed. When the new well is drilled – we will try one more time to see if the old well could be saved and used with a hand pump as a back up – but this does not seem likely. This makes it even more critical to drill a new, larger water well to serve the needs of Thomassique Christian School and Church.

If you can’t give to help with this need – please pray for God’s provision for this well. Also, please keep the students, teachers, church and leadership of the Thomassique community in your prayers.
Thank you for your steadfast partnership!

Blake LaMunyon
Founder & Director
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