Home maintenance is something we all have to deal with here in the States. But, when you have 140 orphaned children all using the same set of bathrooms for over 12 years – repairs and upgrades are very needed. The bathrooms at All God’s Children Orphanage need more than simple repairs and maintenance – they are in need of a complete remodel. These facilities get very heavy use.

Each time I travel to the orphanage, I make it a point to go see the bathrooms – just to remind myself of the daily routine these children and staff at GVCM are subjected to. I love the kids and the staff at GVCM – they need decent bathroom facilities. We want to improve the facilities for all the kids and staff – but we especially want to improve the bathroom facilities for the woman and teenage girls. One toilet that only works intermittently is not acceptable.
But, there is hope – we can change this.

Here is what has been accomplished so far with the help and generosity of so many people:
- Over Half the Money Needed has Already Been Raised
- A Committed Team is in place to Travel to the Orphanage & Make Repairs
Plans are underway to:
- Build a New Water Tank
- Update & Replace Plumbing for the Sinks, Toilets & Showers
- Upgrade & Expand Toilets
- Remodel & Reconfigure the Showers

Now, we need your help to cross the finish line. If you are interested in joining our team to remodel these bathrooms – please reach out to me. A trip is being organized and planned for later this year and you could be a vital part of the success of this mission.
We also, still need to raise the final $30,000 for this project. Please consider donating to see these children receive decent bathroom facilities. And just as importantly, please join me in spreading the word and praying.
Thank you for your partnership as we serve one another in love.
Blake LaMunyon
Founder & Director
To donate for the first time or increase your support visit HopeRisingHaiti.org/donate or click below.