Charleston Dumas is an elderly man living in a little house built with palm trees and mud. His roof is made of palm leaves which provide protection against the sun but little else. He has been asking God to keep his family safe for many years. After losing his first wife years ago, he has found love again, in his golden age, and is now engaged to Ociane Dumornay. Read about our first visit with this wonderful couple here. They hope to be married soon and we’re building them a new home for their family before their wedding.

As we surveyed the site for the future home, it came to our attention that an 85 year old widow, Elidiane Ceide, who lives close by needed a new home as well. Elidiane is an elderly widow who lives alone in a makeshift house. She lives in fear that at any time, the house will collapse and all of her belongings will be lost. She is a member of the church in Mirebalais and has been praying for help. We are thankful that we’ve discovered her need.
After talking to Charleston, Ociane and Elidiane our team came up with a plan to help both families. What is this hopeful plan? Our construction team designed a home giving both of these families the privacy and security that they deserve. The families will share a common wall but will have patios facing in different directions. They will also share a latrine, a blessing and rare luxury in this area of Haiti.

We are happy to report that with the help of our generous supporters, we funded this project and construction is underway. What an amazing blessing to be apart of changing the lives of our friends in Haiti.

Blake LaMunyon
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