In February, our team had the honor of visiting one of the new homes we helped complete. Wilfrid, Beatrice and Wilfrid’s mom had us over for dinner in their brand new home. What a blessing to see them thriving in their new home. Wilfrid and his fiancé, Beatrice got married on December 29, 2018 and moved into this new home. Read more about this joyful journey in our previous posts first here and then in December as well.

Their home has reached the final phase of the construction. In order to provide safety and security for their family and guests they are building a wall with a gate around the perimeter of the property.

During dinner we discussed this final phase of the project and learned of an additional need in their new neighborhood. There is no place for many of the families to use the restroom or bathe. So, as a part of this final phase of construction, Hope Rising is helping Wilfrid build a community toilet and bathhouse for their new neighbors. This simple, yet vital structure containing a pit toilet will be made of concrete block walls, a concrete floor and a metal roof.
This simple project will offer much needed dignity and modesty for the community. The project includes using bucket showers with water that they will bring in and is being constructed with a men’s side and a women’s side.

Wilfrid and Beatrice’s new neighbors are excited and very appreciative for the gift of this new bathroom and toilet. Thank you for partnering with us to bring dignity and hope in this simple, but much needed way.

Blake LaMunyon
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