The church in Passe Pomme has been patiently waiting for a church building for many years now. This project is so near and dear to our hearts and we are excited for every single concrete pour. If you don’t know, read more about about why we nicknamed Pastor Colomb the Patient Pastor and the previous update on this project.

A quick look at the construction progress this past month.
Here are a few more photos of the progress made over this past month!

We are very thankful that God has allowed us to be a part of constructing this house of worship. We know the congregation at Passe Pomme is thankful and sends their love and gratitude.
If you would like to be a part of what God is doing in Haiti please join us in our work below. When you donate to a specific project, like a church, we do our best to see that 100% of that money goes directly to that specific project.
Please donate and join us as we are seeing water given to the thirsty, growing minds matured, and darkness expelled by the Light.

Blake LaMunyon
To donate for the first time or increase your support visit or click below.