Last February a few determined Valor Christian High School students threw a student-led fundraising concert featuring Building 429 and Jamie Grace. It was a huge success and one of the highlights was the Pay-It-Forward Wall where donors could support Haitian families by purchasing farm animals.

Through the generosity of many people, 20 goats were purchased for Haitian families at the Pay-It-Forward Wall. We then worked with the churches and pastors in the Haitian villages of Malary and Loratonne to identify families who would be most blessed to receive a goat. We then purchased 20 female goats and in March, our Valor Discovery students had the privilege of passing out these animals and praying for these families.

A dedication and church bench building trip is scheduled for January, 2018. They have a new building, but now they new a place to sit and hear the Bible taught and worship together. Building church benches is a simple but vital part of helping this new building reach as many people as possible with the Gospel and providing a place for the congregation and community to learn, worship, fellowship. Contact Blake if you are interested in joining us for the January 2018 dedication and church bench building trip.

Thanks for your generous support of what God is doing in Haiti through Hope Rising!
To donate for the first time or increase your support visit HopeRisingHaiti.org/donate or click below.