Willeme lives close to All God’s Children Orphanage, with his wife, Beatrice and their two children – a son and a daughter. Their home is very humble. A few sticks hold up whatever metal Willeme has been able to find for a roof. The walls are made of sticks, mud and a few tarps.
One evening while spending time with Willeme’s family, we were caught inside their home during a heavy rain storm. There was hardly room for the four of them and me – we could not even sit as we waited out the rain. There was no interpreter, so we didn’t talk.

Willeme and I simply worked together to try and redirect the water that was running across the dirt floor creating a thick river of mud. And it was dark! No electricity. No candle. Just the fading light of my flashlight that was nearly out of battery.
Once the rain let up a little bit, Willeme walked me back to the orphanage team center where there was a tile floor. I was dry. I had electricity and running water. I took a shower and went to bed. But as it rained throughout the night I kept thinking of Willeme and his family trying to stay dry along with so many thousands of others just like them who are in desperate need of housing.
What Makes Willeme Different
Willeme is not like many of the other Haitian men who join in on our work during our trips. Most Haitians who want to “help” us during our work trips are looking to get paid for their labor. I certainly don’t hold this against them; and we happily pay many of them for their hard work.
Willeme, however, has been helping us for the past 5 years – building benches, pouring concrete, removing and replacing roofs, making miscellaneous repairs, building houses, and serving in many different roles. But Willeme never asks for any pay.

Willeme has served in multiple roles in the GVCM church and serves at the orphanage. Over the years I’ve had the privilege of getting to know Willeme and his family. He has become a good friend. He is someone I count on. He looks out for our teams and truly cares about us. And we care about him and his family.
A New Home!

Now, we need your help to cross the finish line. If you are interested in joining our team to remodel these bathrooms – please reach out to me. A trip is being organized and planned for later this year and you could be a vital part of the success of this mission.
We also, still need to raise the final $30,000 for this project. Please consider donating to see these children receive decent bathroom facilities. And just as importantly, please join me in spreading the word and praying.
Thank you for your partnership as we serve one another in love.
Blake LaMunyon
Founder & Director
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