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A Finished Home for Estesia Lorine

Good news from Haiti! The home for Estesia Lorine is complete.

See the Project

Due to your funding and God’s provision, we have completed construction on the new home, and the family has already moved in! We are so happy that God has answered her prayers and blessed this faithful family with a safe, secure place to live.

Pictured below is Estesia on her new front porch and our local liaison, Wilfrid, taking her photo.

One of our generous supporters sent funds to furnish the new home, and our friends Wilfrid and Enel were thrilled to be able to deliver new beds, sheets, pillows, curtains, a table, and chairs for the family! Furthermore, there were enough funds to purchase a solar-powered electrical system that will enable the family to light their home; it may also provide a small source of income if they allow others in the community to use it for charging cell phones.

Here is what Estesia had to share with us when Wilfrid and Enel delivered all of the goodies with the family:

“After a long period of waiting, people were trying to discourage me and said that I would never have a house built. Those times were difficult for me and for my family, but now my house is the miracle that God has provided for all to see. Thanks to my living God for using people so far away from me to help me. God is so good!”

She is incredibly grateful that the family can sit together in their new home and sleep at night knowing they’re under a safe and sturdy roof. Pictured here is Estesia and three of her sons.


Estesia Lorine

During a recent trip to Haiti, we met Estesia Lorine, a faithful woman of God who has generously opened her home to another family in need.

Estesia is a widow who lives in Coup Gouge, Haiti. She has four children of her own, one of whom is disabled and requires constant care, and also looks after several of her grandchildren. Two years ago, she heard about Manese Joseph, a friend and local woman who needed help.

Manese Joseph completely lost her eyesight several years ago, and her husband abandoned her and their three kids. Estesia supported the family with what little space, money, and food she had. At Manese Joseph’s tragic passing in September 2021, Estesia took Manese’s children under her wing and has provided for them ever since, in addition to her own family.

Manese spends her days sitting on a bamboo mat on the floor of the tiny house. Even though Estesia has limited resources of her own, she still shares her food and her home and trusts that God will provide. Estesia is a prominent member of Pastor Jonas and Wilfrid’s Big Tree church, and she asks for prayers of healing in her home.

Estesia trusted that God would be with her and care for her, even when she couldn’t trust the very home she and the children were living in, as it was in poor shape and badly needed to be replaced.

The Need

A safe, sturdy house

How can YOU help?

Donate to help provide a safe, sturdy shelter that’s large enough to house Estesia and her family
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Funding Goal: $12,000


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The quality of life in Haiti cannot rise without financial partners. We gratefully accept donations of any amount to directly benefit the Haitian people.
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