A group of twelve people both Americans and Haitians went to visit Marie in her perfectly painted new home on a recent trip to Haiti. Her very petite frame, warm hugs and wide toothless smile told us right from the start that she was overwhelmingly thankful for her new home. She rushed to get us small chairs made of weathered wood and twine and made a circle for us under the shade of a tree. We all listened intently about this woman’s amazing life and faith.
Marie shared with us that she has four children living with her in the new home. She had ten children, but sadly six of her children have passed away. Her husband passed away eighteen years ago as well, leaving her alone to care for her family. Marie has suffered much loss, heartache, and poverty but yet her faith in Jesus is incredibly strong and unwavering. She faithfully attends the GVCM church, walking 2 miles, through fields, each Sunday to worship and hear God’s word.

She told us that she had been asking God for a new home for quite a while then one day Pastor Blake and our friends Sandi and Dana pulled up in a truck and shared their hope to build her a new home. She recalled that in her old house, during the rainy season, which lasts from May through November, the whole family would have to stand all night in the corner just to keep from getting wet. They could not sleep. She went on to tell us that in the new home the rain dropping on the metal roof sounds like music and they now sleep in peace.

Her smile broadened widely and her eyes sparkled as she said, “I knew God had heard my prayer.” She went on to say she knows that God talked to us about her and that we heard him. That is why she has the blessing of a new and safe home.

Before our time with her came to a close we asked her how we could pray for her. She told us that she has anemia and gets dizzy often. She then went on to ask us to pray that God would bless her home, everyone who built it and that God would bless us. We held hands, bowed our heads and prayed with her thanking God for this Godly woman and her family.

Marci LaMunyon
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