As we are reminded to stop and give thanks this week, I’m reminded of how God has blessed my life and our family life through our friends in Haiti. We have been blessed to serve alongside so many great friends, and we are grateful to have courageous ministry partners in Haiti. Most of all, we have been blessed to play a small part in helping those in need in Haiti.

As we have been working hard to update the Projects Map, time has allowed me to reflect on the amazing generosity of donors, prayer partners and our trip team members. Looking through the map and clicking on the many different links, brings back so many memories, so much heartbreak, so many faces, so many smiles with so much joy and so many blessings. So, we are blessed to give thanks for the opportunity God has given us to bring some love and hope to our friends in Haiti. And all of this motivates me because there is so much more that we can continue to do, together, in Haiti.
We are thankful for all of your prayers, for your giving and for your partnering with us to bring Hope to those in need in Haiti.
Please take 5 minutes now, to click on 8 or 10 links and join us in thanking God for the privilege to serve Christ in Haiti. And please take a moment to pray for our friends in Hait

Blake LaMunyon
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