Cecilia and I (Mia) sent info a few weeks ago about how humble Pastor Jonas and his generous wife received the great blessing of a new home! This family accredited all of what they had – good health, family and food – to Jesus. To add to that list: a new finished home! This beautiful family represents what it means to serve Jesus and your community – and thanks to your support – we have now added a bathroom to the Jonas “estate!”
This working bathroom will be the second one in all of Big Tree (their Haitian community). These are huge steps towards the sufficiency and improvement of this community and the luxury of having a toilet is a testament to the work God is doing through Hope Rising in Haiti. Because of your support, people in Big Tree can benefit from Pastor Jonas’ blessings and clearly recognize God’s glory in it all.
Below are pictures of the bathroom in progress and finished!

Also recall Madame Jonas, the avocado lady, because she is an unforgettable part of our impact in Haiti. Our introduction to Madame Jonas, Pastor Jonas’ wife, is filled with hugs, kisses, and many “mesi Jezi’s” – thank you Jesus, in Haitian Creole. She praises God for her good health, her family, her house, her community, Wilfrid, us and most importantly “swa eternal” (eternal life). Madame Jonas’ does her part to build God’s Kingdom, we do ours, and somehow we all ended up with our hands overflowing with avocados!
In 2 Corinthians 9:8, Paul writes, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” God is working through Pastor and Madame Jonas as they continue to bless us, their community and many more abundantly with prayer, praise and most importantly: avocados!
Let us remember that in every good work, we are abounded with everything we need and abundantly blessed.

Mia & Cecilia
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