“A miracle came to happen in my life, I don’t have to hide it. It’s a real testimony and everybody sees it.” – Jean Dieulimene
What a privilege to see the impact a humble home can have on a family. Jean is faithful in her prayers and God has used Hope Rising to serve her in an incredible way.

A while ago Jean came down with a debilitating illness that prohibited her from working, this is when she turned to her faith to sustain her. She says, “I lived in a little broken house, but I wanted to build another house where I could live with my family. I was not able to build it on my own, but I stayed confident and hoped that God would make a way. I must tell you brothers and sisters, my dreams came true in the name of Jesus!”

We are rejoicing with Jean that God has provided a new home for her and her family. Again she writes, “When I imagine how far my house has come from, I don’t have words to thank you and to explain how much I love you. God leads you in my direction and you come to bless my family’s life. Thank you! Thank you! Once again, thank you! May love, peace and protection come from God be with you!”
The joy and thankfulness in Jean’s words express the very heart of Hope Rising. We are thankful for the impact we are having and so hopeful about the future of our Haitian friends. Praise God for Jean and may He bless her family and many more families to come.

Blake LaMunyon
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