We met a very elderly and wonderful couple on our last trip to Haiti. Duma and Ocianie Dumornay.

Their joy was contagious as they laughed, smiled and hugged us like we were long time friends, rather than just meeting for the first time. They showed us their home made of sticks where the daily rains pours in from all directions. Our team of students from Valor Christian High School was able to put tarps on their roof to keep the rain out.

The couple had just been praying that day for water. There is a well that is a ten minute walk from their humble home but they did not have the strength to make the journey over the past several days, so they waited for help.
Our students quickly collected every bucket available and made their way to the well to fill them.
Duma and Ocianie were overjoyed to have water and they quickly gave God all the glory for hearing their prayer and using us to answer that need. They wanted to show us their most prized possession so they brought us in their shack and under their bed pulled out their Bible, very worn from use years of use.

Ocianie told us, “I will die in God’s hands and I will serve God ’til I die.” Inspiring words coming from a faithful servant of God.
As we stood by their bed we realized they were sleeping on trash and rags covered with a blanket. They had no mattress or bed frame. We soon hugged them goodbye, but their living conditions remained on the forefront of our minds.

The next week we collaborated with some of our Hatian friends and a new bed, mattress, pillows, blankets and sheets were all delivered to Duma and Ocianie. They again praised God for His provision. We pray better living conditions are in their future too.

Blake LaMunyon
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