Pierre and Dieulimene attend The Church at Big Tree. They are probably in their 60’s and have eight people living with them in their home. It’s a small humble home that they have easily out grown. Pierre and Dieulimene have been trying to build a new, more secure home to shelter them from rain and provide safety. They have a good start on their new home but there is still quite a bit to complete and the work is difficult.

Dieulimene lost both of her legs, below the knee – because of a severe infection – and her disability compacts the already difficult everyday struggle to get water and food. But, her kindness and joy tell a different story.
Her husband, Pierre is a farmer. He farms beans and vegetables, providing food for his family. He also sells his produce seeking to earn an income. His knees and back hinder him from growing as many vegetables as he would like, the pain coming from years and years of farming, bending over and digging in the mud in his bare feet.

Pierre and Dieulimene did not ask for a new home – they simply asked for a little help to finish one of the walls of the one they were already building. As you can see from the pictures, they have a fair amount more work to complete on the home.

Thankfully, because of the generosity of Hope Rising Haiti donors we are able to commit to complete their entire home and modify a toilet that will make it a lot easier for Dieulimene to use.
Please be in prayer for this project. Thank you for partnering with us as we seek to see hope work for our friends in Haiti.

Blake LaMunyon
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