Mia wrote us saying …
“Mattress deliveries have started!
We decided that the best way to deliver the mattresses was according to community. We drove into the Big Tree community this week and it was incredible. This is a community filled with people who are overcome by illness and loss. But, in their pain many have turned to Christ and not long ago they started their own community church. On a packed week they have 80 members attending, quite a high number for this remote community.
This is a special lady who has been faithful to the church. Her 4 grand children and her youngest daughter live with her in this little home. Her old “mattress” (pictured) is a thin pile of clothes on top under a dirty cloth. She is overjoyed to have a real bed! The new mattress is a significant improvement and will surely bless her and her family.

Another common problem in Haiti is a leaky roof and this family experiences that on a regular basis. So, in order to help in any way we could we put a tarp up to cover her broken tin roof. This will protect her and her new mattress from the rain, ensuring a restful night’s sleep.
Please continue to pray …
These mattresses would bless and uplift these families
That I can be the hands and feet of Jesus.
That we could encourage and build one another up
That God’s will is for us is “to rejoice always, pray continuously, and give thanks in all circumstances.”
Thank you to everyone who donated and prayed. Many cool things are happening over here! More updates to come soon.
You can read more about Mia’s previous work in Haiti from our posts, “Thank you and Prayers” and she also blogs at The Feet of Jesus.

Blake LaMunyon
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