We meet many wonderful people in Haiti who are in need of a house to keep them safe and dry. On our most recent trip we met a man who caught our eye and is in great need of a new home.
His name is Dunal and what really set him apart for us was that he not only needs a new house for his family, but he has taken the project on and has been digging the foundation literally by himself, by hand.

Dunal works all day long at his job in construction and then comes home at night and works on their new home. He has recently run out of money to put towards the new home, but he was excited to show us all the work he has accomplished so far. He also told us of his wonderful dreams for the future.

As we inquired about helping him finish his home he excitedly shared his desire to work with us on every part of the building process. In addition to that he also wants to give back by helping to build homes for others in his community once his is finished.

Dunal’s willingness to work, and heart to serve is quite unique and inspiring. We hope to bless Dunal, his wife who is expecting and three sons with a home of their own.
Would you consider supporting Dunal’s hard work and dream by contributing below? Dunal will be building the home himself. Therefore, the cost of his home is only $4,500 for the materials (instead of $6,500). He will provide all of the labor.
Thank you for your support and prayers. We look forward to seeing what God will accomplish through this exciting opportunity.

Blake LaMunyon
To donate for the first time or increase your support visit HopeRisingHaiti.org/donate or click below.