When we think of getting an “education” we think of more than just the outcome of a math quiz or an English paper. An education is about using our knowledge to create a more godly world in our community. It launches us into opportunities to work and create for the glory of God.
Earning an education in a third world country, like rural Haiti, is met with several obstacles – one of them being a safe and proper place to gather and learn. At GVCM, the lack of classroom space is making it difficult to provide educational opportunities for all the children in the area.

Praise God we’ve raised $30,000 enough for 2 Classrooms on the first floor.
Currently we have plans to build a new two story classroom addition with EIGHT new classrooms for students. As of right now God has provided through your generous donations the funding for two of the classrooms on the first floor! When we reach funding for all four first floor classrooms, we will begin construction!

Our Primary Need is to raise another $30,000 for the remaining 2 First Story Classrooms so we can begin construction.
The back-to-school season always brings a sense of excitement and a fresh-slate readiness to be filled with knowledge and to find goals to be accomplished. We are hopeful for the fresh beginnings for our students as we work toward constructing these new classrooms.

Once we have the first story construction started we’ll be able to fund and start the second story classrooms.
Will you consider providing a new classroom for our friends in Haiti? Once we raise the remaining $45,000 for the three first floor classrooms we’ll start construction and continue raising support for the second story rooms.
Your support and prayers for the ministry of Hope Rising, GVCM, and these students can never be underestimated, so thank you! And praise God for the opportunity to serve Him in this way.

Blake LaMunyon
To donate for the first time or increase your support visit HopeRisingHaiti.org/donate or click below.