The need is Haiti is great and our mission remains the same as it always has: create partnerships between people, churches, schools and businesses in the United States with on-site ministries in Haiti. These partnerships will then lead to a prosperous future rising for the people in Haiti, filled with material provisions and spiritual blessings.
All God’s Children Orphanage Remodel
The bathroom remodel project (read about it here) will be underway soon. In short, 140 orphaned children have all been using the same set of bathrooms over the past twelve years and the facility desperately needs updated. One toilet that works half of the time is insufficient for young teenage girls.
Once the project gets to the point of remodeling the vital plumbing, we will need some experienced, as well as willing volunteers to help complete this project. No dates are set in stone yet so, if you are interested, especially if you have plumbing experience, please let me know and we can start working on nailing down some dates for this trip.

Church Benches in Passpome
Secondly, the new church building for our friends in Passpome is scheduled to be complete in January. One of the biggest blessings we get to provide for our resilient friends is reliable, comfortable benches. Every time a new church or school is complete we try to schedule a work trip to build benches for the new facility. We have a tentative trip planned to build church benches for this new church in January 2019. If you are interested in going please contact us and let us know when you are available.

One of the unique things about the Hope Rising ministry is that because we are need focused, we get to schedule work trips based on the timeline of those with a heart to fulfill the need. That means we go to Haiti when YOU are able to go.
So … when can you go?
We trust that God will move in the hearts of His people here in the states and take care of His children in Haiti, but it is up to you, to respond to the call. There is an orphanage that needs work and a church with benches that need built. Will you respond to the call?
We are praying for you, and for our friends in Haiti. Thank you.

Blake LaMunyon
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