There are some people you meet in life that inspire you to be more generous and loving. Maude is one of those people to me.
I met Maude in 2011 when she handed me a baby and walked away. A day later she returned and we learned the story of her life. Maude takes care of people. She loves and serves anyone in her path but as a mother her family is her highest priority. The baby she handed me was her niece, born to a mother who could not raise her or care for her. Maude knew that Americans would help. This sweet baby was adopted into a wonderful family from Colorado and she is 9 years old now. God has given Maude great wisdom as she cares for her family and friends.

Each time I go to the village of Thomassique I make sure to visit Maude. We have a sweet friendship and we can’t wait to see each other each time. We exchange hugs and gifts and wonderful conversation through our interpreter. Maude is passionate about serving Christ and serving others. She is the first one to help the groups that we bring on our work projects in Haiti. She cooks, cleans, prepares and serves us all with a contagious joy.

But, her life is very difficult as her husband passed away two years ago. She was left a widow with her all her children and grandchildren to care for. Her husband’s family has been persecuting her for years and threatening to steal her property and shack of a house. But still, she has preserved and her community looks to her for care and comfort. On top of it all, she recently came down with Zika virus and yet even with such affliction, she loves Jesus with all her heart and serves Him joyfully.

It has been my honor to know Maude and it is a privilege to see her living in a new and safe home that was completed in March. She no longer has rainwater, snakes and mice invading her home. This home and property is hers and cannot be taken away – a true gift from the Lord to Maude and the very large family she is responsible for. I am very thankful for Maude and the inspiration she is to me and to all who know her.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Hope Rising Haiti, so that we can play a small part of blessing people like Maude.
Marci LaMunyon
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