Water in the home, usually outside the front door, is something only 40% of residents have in Thomassique (and only 15% of the homes have water in outlying villages).
In March we shared (https://www.hoperisinghaiti.org/blog/march152018) that the well at Thomassique Christian School and Church had collapsed after multiple repairs. With a full campus of over 1,000 students and a large church gathering each week, it was our priority to get a new well dug as quickly as possible to provide a reliable and clean water source for this community.

It is difficult to imagine not having water in our homes, let alone a reliable source available in our town!
We are excited to report that the new water well is pumping water! Although there are still many great needs for Thomassique Christian School and Church, we are rejoicing that they have water.
Thank you for your partnership with Hope Rising Haiti to provide clean water for our friends in Thomassique.

Blake LaMunyon
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