As you know, we have been raising funds to build homes for widows in need. Their homes are routinely held together by nothing more then cardboard, sheet metal and prayer and we are excited for God to provide them with safe and beautiful housing.

Through our ministry partner, Global Vision CitadelleMinistries,, we have identified Pierre Agnolieas the next woman to receive a new home. She lives in the Mirebalais area of Haiti close to Maria who also recently received a new home (read about Maria here). From her home near the tobacco farms she walks an hour each week to worship God with her church family. Please pray for her as she waits patiently for her new house.

This photo is of her current home and we are so thankful to be able to provide what amounts to life-changing construction for Pierre by seeing her receive a new, safe, reliable home. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
If you would like to be a part of what God is doing in Haiti please join us in our work below. When you donate to a new home for a widow we do our best to see that 100% of that money goes directly to that specific project. Donate and join us as we are seeing water given to the thirsty, minds matured through education and darkness expelled by light.

Blake LaMunyon
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